“Dunkirk” or “Get Off That Beach or Bust” my fuckin review

Here is my review for “Dunkirk“. Okay this is a Chris Nolan movie so except this shit to be real as fuck! It is real as fuck. So the film starts off with some soldiers walking down the street quietly for a second then they starting getting shot at. That’s about the only time you are not stressed out during the whole fucking movie. It’s World War II and British soldiers and French Soldiers are surrounded by the German army in Dunkirk. They are trying to be evacuated but Germany has them pinned down on the beach. It’s a stressful nightmare. The main character Tommy tries every way he knows to get off that fucking beach but can’t seem to get out of there. Boats are blown up, planes are being shot out of the sky and even Harry Styles from One Direction can’t even help his ass. It really is fucked up. In the end you realize war is hell etc.

Okay this movie is great and feels real as fuckkkkk! Everything looks real and sounds real. You believe it all. Nothing looks like an over-the-top action movie like “Avengers” or whatever. You feel like you are there and trapped and are going to die. Even the dialogue is simple, short and to the point. There aren’t a lot of dramatic diatribes about love or war or getting home or whatever. In real life people are scared and aren’t chatting up a storm about boos they left behind. They are quiet and trying to survive and just get the fuck out. At one point Tommy is just trying to go to the bathroom! That’s as real as it’s every going to get. Honestly I’m not into war movies but this just feels like a slice of reality from a war. What a group of people went through to stay alive. So much. I bitched about washing a load of clothes last night. At least I didn’t have to fight my way to the washing machine. Meanwhile this film really does a great job letting you feel what the characters felt, by the end you are exhausted. It never felt forced or cheesy. The score by Hans Zimmer is great and really is half the films power. It’s something to see so go see it. You will dig it and might cry or throw up or want to go to a beach for a tan. Who knows?

The Trailer:

The Facts:

A. Christopher Nolan you give us some real shit. Batman Begins, The Prestige, The Dark Knight, Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, Memento, Interstellar, 

B. Fionn Whitehead was great and I hope his shit takes off. Can’t wait to see him in more.

C. War is terrible. I feel bad because I was bitching about being too tired to wash clothes that day.

D. Harry Styles you are great singer and you are good on-screen too. We love you bitch!

E. Hans Zimmer composed this score and it was amazing. Listen to this track and shit your pants.

F. Tom Hardy we love you. You give it to us!

G. You will be stressed out watching this movie.

H. Yes.